Established in 1902, the Bolivar brand stands as a testament to the robust and full-bodied essence of Cuban tobacco. Named after Simón Bolívar - who led the effort to liberate much of South America from Spain - these cigars are celebrated for their intense flavours and impeccable craftsmanship.
Bolivar cigars typically feature a dark and oily wrapper, from Cuba's esteemed Vuelta Abajo region, known for producing some of the finest tobacco leaves. With a reputation for delivering a powerful yet nuanced smoking experience, Bolivar cigars are favoured by aficionados who appreciate a rich blend of earthy, spicy, and woody notes.
Whether it's the Bolivar Royal Corona or the Belicosos Finos, these cigars embody the strength and character that has made the Bolivar brand a staple in the world of Cuban cigars.